Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic Rhinitis @ Dr.Garje Ayurved Panchakarma Clinic

The inner lining of nose undergoes inflammation due to allergens. This leads to Allergic rhinitis. Patient may have sensitivity to a particular allergen. The immune system of human body automatically reacts with the allergen producing antibody releasing histamine and chemical catalysts that defends the allergen. Weak immunity leads to allergy.

Our nasal passage has superior, inferior and middle turbinate bone and maxillary bone. These bones obstruct the foreign particle to enter the nasal passage and the mucus membrane which in turn produces a sticky mucus. This mucus prevents the entry of small particles in air to pass through the nasal passage, cavities and up to the lungs.

When the immunity of person is weak, these small particles such as dust, dirt, pollen, microscopic bacteria and germs etc., enter the nasal passage and cause irritation and inflammation (local swelling). This is exhibited in the form of symptoms like sneezing, itching, runny nose, headache, mild fever etc.

Signs and Symptoms:

  •  Obstruction of nasal passage, blocked nose
  •  Runny nose for long time even for weeks
  •  Itching or irritating nose, eye, and throat
  •  Continuous heavy sneezing
  •  Congestion of nose
  •  Tears in eyes
  •  Fever

Causes of allergic rhinitis as per Ayurveda

  •  Mandagni –low digestion strength
  •  Kapha vruddhi – increase of Kapha dosha
  •  Allergens – external factors such as pollen, dust etc Residing with pet animals Exposure to humidity, dust, cold
  •  Virudh aahara – wrong food combinations
  •  Long term intake of drugs like aspirin, leading to depleted immunity and making the person prone to dust allergies.

Classification of Rhinitis:

It is broadly classified into two types-

  •  Allergic Rhinitis- It is due to weak immune system, causative factors are allergens like pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, smoke, strong odors, etc.
  •  Non allergic – All year around symptoms of nasal blockage and runny nose. In this allergen has no role.

Classification by Ayurveda:

According to symptoms, it is classified in six types.

  •  Sneezing – Vataja pratishaya
  •  Nasal congestion – Vataja pratishaya
  •  Breathlessness – shwasa kashta – kaphaja pratishaya
  •  Nasal discharge – Nasa srava – Kaphaja and Vataja pratishaya
  •  Headache - Shirogaurava – Vataja and kaphaja pratishaya
  •  Itching in nasal & oral region – Nasa and Talu kandu – Kaphaja and Raktaja pratishaya

Ayurvedic concept of rhinitis:

As per Ayurveda, Allergic rhinitis is compared with Vata- Kaphaja pratishaya. The concept of Ama, Asatmya and virudh aahara also predict the allergic conditions.

Ama is the product of impaired digestion and metabolism. It affects Rasa and Rakta Dhatu leading to manifestation of Pratishyaya. Wrong food combinations (Virudh aahar) having antagonist properties like fish with milk, fruit juice with milk, clarified butter with honey, ice cream after night meals, etc. leads to allergy.

TREATMNET PLAN -For acute cases can easily managed with Ayurved Herbal medicines only but for Chronic cases needs detoxification & Rejuvenation Rasayan therapy

  •  Panchakarma therapy – Vaman,Virechan ,Nasya
    If the symptoms are severe and in chronic conditions, Vamana Panchakarma treatment, followed by Virechana is administered. This helps to relieve Ama and balance Tridosha.
    In some cases, where the patient has normal digestion strength, Nasya treatment (nasal drops therapy) is administered with herbal oils
  •  Ayurved Medicines- After the above Panchakarma treatments, Ayurvedic medicines are administered to improve respiratory immunity and strength of upper respiratory tract.
  •  Ayurved Aahar Vihar
  •  Pranayam Yogasan
